What we do

Training in CAACC is driven by the Capacity Building pillar

In an effort to meet one of its strategic objectives of improving the capacity and capability of anti-corruption agencies, the CAACC provides capacity building programmes built on the action learning model. The CAACC capacity building programmes are needs driven and they are tailor made for a fairly large group consisting of all professionals employed in anti-corruption agencies ranging from strategic leaders to anti-corruption practitioners. The programmes are delivered to anti-corruption practitioners in seven major categories: Leadership and management, Monitoring and evaluation, Corruption Prevention, Investigation and intelligence, Prosecution, Professional ethics and Public education. It is through these seven major categories that the CAACC addresses the capacity constraints faced by anti-corruption practitioners. If the constraints are not adequately addressed, they will lead to weakened delivery of anti-corruption services across Commonwealth Africa. The CAACC brings together all agencies in the region to bring to the forefront the strategies to address the negative consequences of corruption such as diverted funds from health care, education and other essential services among other things.

Research, Analysis and Policy

The CAACC research directly benefits all 18 Commonwealth Africa member states. In addition to adding value to ACAs work, the CAACC conduct research and develop policy papers which provide highly relevant information to Commonwealth governments, universities, research institutions and the wider donor community. The CAACC through its research function carries out impact assessments of the CAACC activities in order to measure performance for improvement in its operations. Assistance is also sought from the researchers in the 18 Commonwealth African countries to assist in documenting baseline information on the status of corruption in the region. The Research, Analysis and Policy function also coordinates twinning exercises and other exchanges between the ACAs.

Sharing and Networking

The Communications and Political Affairs Unit is the mouthpiece of the CAACC. It informs the public about CAACC existence and its mandate. This has been done through the local media and direct collaboration with various stakeholders.

Latest News


Dr Roger Koranteng, Head, Public Sector Governance, Commonwealth Secretariat was awarded the 2018 Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani International Anti-Corruption Excellence Award for his work on tackling corruption in both Commonwealth and non-Commonwealth countries. He received the in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 7 December 2018.


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